School plan
The layout of our 2019-2023 school plan is aligned with the Strategic Policy Plan of Stichting KempenKind and the themes that we consider relevant to our school development. In addition to school development, we focus on the development of our staff. In this school plan we (also) describe which resources we use to develop employees from starting to basic and professionally competent. Based on our ambitions, we draw up an annual professionalization plan that is implemented by our knowledge teams, management and internal supervisors. In the annual report we will always review whether the set goals have been achieved. In this way we shape a cycle of planning, implementation and evaluation. Our school plan has been drawn up by the management team of the school and submitted to the participation council for approval. The team members contributed to the mission and vision of the school and contributed to setting the goals for the next four years. Our school plan broadly describes our quality. Where possible and necessary, we refer to the appendices for a more detailed description. The school plan is unfortunately only published in Dutch.