Parent Association
Our school has a parent association. Parents become members by paying the parental contribution. Failure to pay the voluntary parental contribution does not result in the exclusion of pupils from participation in activities. At the beginning of the school year, all parents receive a request to pay the parent contribution. For the 2022-2023 school year, the contribution has been set at €30 per student. Various activities are organized from the parent contribution. The eight school year parents together form the board of the Parent Association. They organize and help with these activities such as Sinterklaas, Christmas, carnival, open evening, annual sports day and school trips. The parent council also supports teachers in seeking parental assistance for group and unit activities. For the 2022-2023 school year, the parent council consists of the following parents:
Grade 1/2: Joëlla Boumans
Grade 1/2: Ellen Vorstenbosch
Grade 3: Ingrid Looijmans
Grade 4: Ilona Severens
Grade 5: Wendy Brouwer
Grade 6: Marsha Brantjes
Grade 7: Lieneke Heuveling
Grade 8: Mariëlle Kieneker